smart sensors installed
regions of Russian Federation covered
automated solution
years of relevant experience environmental monitoring field
Turnkey complex environmental monitoring system
URUS team is truly cares about the quality of the environment
Innovations in ecology are much easier then it seems to be
«Ecomon» software complex
Ready-to-use solutions «Ecomon.Cloud», «Ecomon.Server» and «Eсomon.Controller» cover all the needs for the collection, digitization, transmission, storage and visualization of eco-monitoring data.
We will pack up a ready-made solution according to your objectives!
Monitoring equipment kit
— maximum accuracy in a compact housing
Monitoring station
Fully functional compact and energy-efficient air quality monitoring station. It allows to make automated measurements of concentrations of pollutants, suspended particles, meteorological data, noise pollution and other parameters in real-time mode with wireless transmission of telemetry to a single information platform.
* The final set of equipment is formed individually for the clients’ request.
Our partners
Our success stories
Our monitoring systems operate in the Kaluga and Moscow regions, in Krasnoyarsk and Taman. The public online air monitoring portal was developed for the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Kaluga Region: air.giskaluga.ru
Combining data from emission sources and a high-density network of small-sized sensors gives a reliable picture of the dispersion of pollutants in the atmospheric air.
Data from all hardware kits located at waste disposal sites is transferred to the regional information system of Moscow Region.
If you have any questions – feel free to communicate us
Our experts will prepare answers for all your questions and help you find the right solution for your needs.